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Beauty Blog

Why Are Aesthetics Important?

How often do you stop and admire the aesthetics of say, a chair, a building, or a beautifully manicured public space? While it’s not uncommon to admire the beauty of art and other objects when visiting an art museum, we often take everyday aesthetics for granted. But we shouldn’t, here’s why. Simply put, aesthetics make us happy. On an emotional lev

Beauty Blog


THE PROCEDURE After you’re relaxed, your provider will use an electronic or manual dermaplaning tool to scrape over your skin at a 45-degree angle. This will continue for 20 to 30 minutes, on average, as your provider gently works to exfoliate the skin. After the treatment is finished, your provider will soothe your skin with a substance like aloe. T

Aesthetics Service Lagos
Beauty Blog


What Is Pregnancy Massage? Pregnancy massage is a catch-all term for any hands-on massage during or after pregnancy (prenatal or postnatal massage). A pregnancy massage typically lasts an hour. Some practitioners use a pregnancy massage table. That’s a table designed to accommodate a woman’s pregnant belly. Others use specially designed p

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