Beauty Blog


The procedure During a dermaplaning procedure, you shouldn’t feel any pain. You may feel a tingling sensation during the treatment. First, you’ll lie down on your provider’s chair in a clean, comfortable room. Sedation options may be available, and these often include a numbing spray or local anesthesia combined with an oral sedative or rarely genera

Beauty Blog

Fruits For Glowing, Youthful & Envy-Worthy Skin – Continuation

Cucumber According to the technical definition, cucumbers are fruits, and oh so hydrating! The major part of cucumber is water. Thus, they have a cooling effect on the body and are high in antioxidants (7). The peel of a cucumber contains Vitamin C and Vitamin K, which is vital to achieve healthy, glowing skin. Studies suggest that sea cucumbers can

Beauty Blog

Fruits For Glowing, Youthful & Envy-Worthy Skin – Continuation

3. Lemon Lemon is popularly used in a number of skincare products. From anti-acne creams to anti-aging lotions, this citrus fruit can prevent a host of skin issues. Rich in Vitamin C, lemon can help reduce signs of aging, hyperpigmentation and scarring (4). Lemon is also a natural bleaching agent. It helps reduce sun damage and tan. Addressing a host

Beauty Blog

Fruits For Glowing, Youthful & Envy-Worthy Skin

What’s the first thing that comes to your mind when we say healthy food? Or, what’s the answer you get when you ask that friend/celebrity about the secret behind her glowing and gorgeous skin? Lots of fresh fruits? Well, since time immemorial, we have been hearing enough about the benefits of fruits for our health and skin. Hence, in this post

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