Beauty Blog


There are many types of massage therapy, from Swedish and deep tissue to shiatsu. Whether you’d like to branch out a bit or have a health condition or injury, choosing a style of massage can be confusing if you’re not quite sure what it involves. Here is a list of the most popular types of massage (including some that may be new to you)

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Beauty Blog

LED Facials

Light of varying wavelengths penetrates the skin at different levels, providing results that will restore and rejuvenate your complexion without pain or downtime. Blue LED light kills bacteria on your skin that cause acne, improving the clarity of your skin and decreasing the incidence of further breakouts Red light  is used for treating the epiderm

Beauty Blog


Most zits are temporary annoyances that disappear with salicylic acid, a retinoid, a little concealer, and a ton of patience. So it’s too bad that acne scars can last for months, years, and even decades after the memories of the pimples themselves have faded. But you don’t have to be resigned to living with your acne scars into retiremen

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